Sunday, February 26, 2012

Just Rambling -- Dancing!

Ya, dancing.  Ok, not the kind of thing you expect a Rambler to ramble about on a guy site, right?  Well, bare with me on this one...

I am a Dad.  The other day my oldest daughter (15 years old and becoming a woman much faster than I like to admit, I still see her like the picture above, my little girl) came to me and said, "Dad, you should come to the next dance and dance with me" (she goes to a monthly cotillion dance class, very proper and modest).  Now I love both my daughters with all my heart but... well, here's the thing, I don't know the first thing about dancing... I don't want to know the first thing about dancing... not only that but I'm a pretty big guy, ok, an overweight guy, and the last thing I want to do is get in front of a bunch of people and fumble around trying to figure out how to dance. 

My answer to my daughter?  "Sure sweetheart, I'll go to the next dance and dance with you".  I think she was as stunned as I was, well, maybe not quite as stunned as I was, but I think she was stunned.  As for me... I immediately panicked!  What in the world did I just commit to?

All I could think of was that part in the movie "Courageous" (and if you haven't seen the movie courageous, that is a great movie) where his daughter asks him to dance with him and he doesn't and well, I don't want to spoil the movie for you, let's just say he wishes he had.  I didn't want to be wishing I had missed this opportunity.

Final thought... Sieze the day for your kids are only little once, blink and they will be all grown up.

So I practiced a little and now I can dance like this...
Pretty Good Eh?

1 comment:

  1. Jon Carter of EarthMarch 3, 2012 at 10:25 PM

    You dance pretty good, and I have to say the diet seems to be working pretty well for you! its good you are going to learn that contolliloni dancing, because my daughter is going to be having that at here wedding, so now you will be a pro and you can teach all of us. We will never be able to say "no" to a request from our daughters for a dance after seeing courageous. I hope they don't figure that out. you aren't letting them read your blog are you?
